Happy end of summer?!? Last year we tried a hybrid....this year we are back to full time Homeschool and I am so excited. Why we nixed the hybrid is another post...
7th Grader
Bible - Christian Studies II by Memoria Press and Who is God by Apologia
Math - Abeka Basic Mathematics (7th grade math)
Latin - First Form Latin from Memoria Press
Grammar - Rod & Staff English 7 and Classical Conversations Essentials
Grammar - Fit It! Grammar 2 - Robin Hood
Grammar - Fit It! Grammar 2 - Robin Hood
Writing - IEW US History based writing
Writing - Classical Composition - Fable and Narrative (Accelerated plan)
Writing - Classical Composition - Fable and Narrative (Accelerated plan)
Spelling - Spelling Power
Vocabulary - Vocabulary from Classical Roots A
Literature Units - Tapestry of Grace Year 3: Dialectic level
History - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Dialectic level
Science - Anatomy and Physiology from Apologia
Geography - Tapestry of GraceYear 3 and Road Trip USA (for fun) by Confessions of a Homeschooler
P.E. - USAG Girls Gymnastics Team level 8
5th Grader
Bible - Christian Studies II by Memoria Press and Who is God by Apologia
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Math - Abeka Arithmetic 5
Latin - Latina Christiana I from Memoria Press
Writing - IEW US History based writing
Writing - Classical Composition - Fable and Narrative (Accelerated plan)
Writing - Classical Composition - Fable and Narrative (Accelerated plan)
Spelling - Spelling Power
Vocabulary - Vocabulary from Classical Roots 5
Literature Units - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Dialectic level
History - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Dialectic level
Science - Anatomy and Physiology from Apologia
Geography - Tapestry of GraceYear 3 and Road Trip USA (for fun) by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 1 CDs
P.E. - USAG Girls Gymnastics Team level 5/7
3rd Grader
Bible - Listening to Christian Studies II by Memoria Press
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Math - Abeka Arithmetic 3
Latin - Prima Latina from Memoria Press
Grammar - Rod & Staff English 3
Writing - IEW Bible Heros
Spelling - Spelling Power
Vocabulary - Vocabulary from Classical Roots 4
Literature Units - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Upper Grammar level
History - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Upper Grammar level
Vocabulary - Vocabulary from Classical Roots 4
Literature Units - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Upper Grammar level
History - Tapestry of GraceYear 3: Upper Grammar level
History - Story of the World: The Middle Ages
Science - Anatomy and Physiology from Apologia
Geography - Tapestry of GraceYear 3 and Road Trip USA (for fun) by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 1 CDs
P.E. - USAG Boys Gymnastics Team level 4
Bible - ABC Bible Verses
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Math - Abeka Arithmetic 1
Phonics - Primary Phonics
Phonics - First Start Reading from Memoria Press
Reading - Bob books and Primary Phonics books
Reading - Bob books and Primary Phonics books
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 1 CDs
P.E. - Gymnastics
Update: We don't do ALL of this every, single, day. (I will post my sample schedules that I use for the kids soon.) For what I call our "core" curriculum, we do bible, math, history, latin, grammar, and writing every day. Two to three times a week we do spelling, vocabulary, science, and geography. Then there is some other little "daily work" that the kids do, deepening on their age/grade.
Update: We don't do ALL of this every, single, day. (I will post my sample schedules that I use for the kids soon.) For what I call our "core" curriculum, we do bible, math, history, latin, grammar, and writing every day. Two to three times a week we do spelling, vocabulary, science, and geography. Then there is some other little "daily work" that the kids do, deepening on their age/grade.