Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Our Curriculum {2014-2015}

Its already August, and I know some states start school in August and some in September.  We are more of a year-round-school family, so our curriculum is ongoing and can sometimes change mid year. This year, we are trying a Hybrid school (kids in school 2 days a week).  Some curriculum is school (KCA) required and the rest we are doing here on our own.

This list might scare some, but know that we don't do everything every. single. day.  
Some things are once or twice a week.  Somethings are once a month. Some things are 5 mns a day, some are 15 mns a day. So.....while it might look like a lot its manageable....most days.  If/when it get to be too much, some of the extras slide.  I'm ok with that.  After all, I'm the teacher, right? 

6th Grader
Bible - *Big Truths for Young Hearts
Math - *Saxon *8/7
Latin - First Form Latin from Memoria Press
Grammar - Rod & Staff English 6 and Classical Conversations Essentials
Writing - *IEW Middle Ages
Spelling - Spelling Power
Literature Units - *Tapestry of Grace (through the hybrid)
Classical Studies - Famous Men of the Middle Ages from Memoria Press
History - *Tapestry of Grace (through the hybrid)
Science -*Chemistry (through the hybrid)
Geography - Road Trip USA by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Fine Arts - through KCA
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3 CDs
P.E. - USA Girls Gymnastics Team

4th Grader
Bible - through the hybrid
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Math - *Horizons 4
Latin - Latina Christiana I from Memoria Press and *Song School Latin
Grammar - Rod and Staff English 4  and Classical Conversations Essentials
Spelling - Spelling Power
Literature Units -  5th grade from Memoria Press and *Tapestry of Grace (through the hybrid)
Classical Studies - Famous Men of the Middle Ages from Memoria Press
Science - *Chemistry through KCA
Geography -  Road Trip USA by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Fine Arts - through the hybrid
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3 CDs
P.E. - USA Girls Gymnastics Team

2nd Grader
Bible - through the hybrid
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Math - *Horizons
Latin - Prima Latina from Memoria Press and *Song School Latin
Spelling - Spelling Power
Science - *Chemistry through KCA
Geography - Road Trip USA by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Fine Arts - through the hybrid
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3 CDs
P.E. - Gymnastics

Preschooler/Early Kindergarten
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Math - Abeka Arithmetic K and Numbers 1 and 2 from Memoria Press
Alphabet - Letter of the Week (simplified) from COAH  and Alphabet 1 and 2 from Memoria Press
Reading - First Start Reading from Memoria Press
Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3 CDs
P.E. - Gymnastics

The items marked with the * are the books that are required from our Hybrid school.  There are more books within the history, literature and bible classes there, but those are course and time period (Middle Ages) specific.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Curriculum Series....

I posted awhile back on {How I Choose Curriculum}.

I also posted what our {Curriculum 2013-2014} will be.

I thought maybe I should post why I chose what I chose and how I move through the different far.  

So I'm going to make it a little more in-depth. I'll try to highlight each subject, tell you what I use, how I use it, why I use it, if I've used something else, and anything else I think might help.  I'll start with what I call our "Core" curriculum, then move onto everything else.

In our house, Core curriculum means:

2nd tier of my Core:
Classical Conversations

The Extras are:

The reason why some of these are "extras" is because they get Vocabulary and Geography in History, Christian Studies, Latin, Classical Literature, and in Classical Conversations.  They also get Art, Music,  and Science at CC.  We take Music Lessons (violin and piano) every week and we read classical literature and me throwing lit units in this year was an afterthought.  I'm not saying the "Extras" aren't important, just that its ok if we don't get to them every day and every week.

For us....I count a day of school if we get in Bible, Math, Grammar, and either History or Science.  I think there has been maybe one or two days that we've done that little of work; usually its those plus handwriting, spelling, bible and vocab etc. for a "basic" day.

Anyway.....hope my little series helps!  

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Our Curriculum {2013-2104}

Before you freak out at the long list below....we don't do everything every. single. day.  
Some things are once or twice a week.  Somethings are once a month. Some things are 5 mns a day, some are 15 mns a day.
So.....while it looks like a lot (I've added more this year), I'm hoping it all works out.  
And if it doesn't....we drop some.  
Or work through the summer.  
Or every weekend.  

5th Grader
Bible - Christian Studies I and II by Memoria Press
Character -  10 days of Character Confessions of a Homeschooler (using this one per month!)
Math - Abeka Arithmetic 5
Latin - Latina Christiana I from Memoria Press
Grammar - Classical Conversations Essentials
Writing - Classical Conversations Essentials
Spelling - Spelling Power
Vocabulary - World Build from Dynamic Literacy
Literature Units - 4th/5th grade from Memoria Press
Poetry - Poetry for the Grammar Stage from Memoria Press
Classical Studies - Famous Men of the Middle Ages from Memoria Press
Classical Studies - Famous Men of Rome from Memoria Press
Classical Studies - D'Aulaires' Greek Myths from Memoria Press
History - Story of the World: The Middle Ages (finishing) then Early Modern Times
Science - Botany from Apologia
Geography - A Trip Around the World Series matching up with CC Foundations
Fine Arts - World Greatest Artist/Composers by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Classical Conversations Foundations
Music - Piano and Violin lessons
P.E. - USA Gymnastics Team

3rd Grader
Bible - Christian Studies I and II by Memoria Press
Character -  10 days of Character Confessions of a Homeschooler (using this one per month!)
Latin - Prima Latina from Memoria Press
Grammar - Rod and Staff Beginning Wisely
Grammar - Classical Conversations Pre-Essentials
Writing - Classical Conversations Pre-Essentials
Spelling - Spelling Power
Vocabulary - World Build from Dynamic Literacy
Literature Units - 4th/5th grade from Memoria Press
Poetry - Poetry for the Grammar Stage from Memoria Press
Classical Studies - Famous Men of Rome from Memoria Press
Classical Studies - D'Aulaires' Greek Myths from Memoria Press
Science - Botany from Apologia
Geography - A Trip Around the World Series matching up with CC Foundations
Fine Arts - World Greatest Artist/Composers by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Classical Conversations Foundations
Music - Piano and Violin lessons
P.E. - USA Gymnastics Team

1st Grader
Bible - Listening to Bible stories from the Jesus Storybook Bible when read with above
Character -  10 days of Character Confessions of a Homeschooler (using this one per month!)
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting
Spelling - Spelling Power (All About Spelling was too easy so we are switching)
Classical Studies - D'Aulaires' Greek Myths from Memoria Press
Science - Botany from Apologia
Geography - A Trip Around the World Series matching up with CC Foundations
Fine Arts - World Greatest Artist/Composers by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Classical Conversations Foundations
Music - Piano lessons
P.E. - Soccer/Gymnastics/Karate

Letter of the Week (simplified) from COAH 
Lots of active play and reading

Phew!!!  Its going to be a fun year!

(All the curriculum is linked either to the book on Amazon or the manufacturers site.)

Friday, March 15, 2013

How I Chose Curriculum

One of the most asked questions I get from fellow homeschoolers, people who are thinking about homeschooling and everyone else is....How do you choose your curriculum?

Well...the most asked question by people who don't homeschool is something like, "How do you not go crazy having the kids around all the time?"  Which for those of you that HS will kinda make you sad, right?  I LOVE having my kids with me.  (Ok, let's be honest here...there are those days, but for the most part its true. :) 

But, I'm not getting into that debate here.

How I choose my curriculum???

A lot of researching!

When I made the decision to pull the kids out of school, I spent the next month researching curriculum.  I was obsessed!  I did a few things....
1) I called and emailed every single person that I knew who homeschooled.  I asked about what they used and why.  What they've tried, why they like it or why it didn't work.  

2) I read The Well Trained Mind.  What I really mean, is I devoured it!  Its a HUGE book.  But I read all the parts that were pertinent to us.  I took notes.  I combed over it again and took notes again.  (Actually I still do!  I look over it about every 6 months.  Once around Christmas and once in the summer.

3) I cross referenced everything from the previous two sources with Cathy Duffy Reviews.

4) I did check out some HS sites that did curriculum review, but didn't find them as helpful.  I was looking for a place that I could type in "Math" and see all of my options and the reviews, instead of a specific Math program.  (If anyone knows of such a site, please let me know! ;)

What I wish I could have done?  Actually look through the stuff.  I got to a little bit with the friends that were local, but that was a select bit of curriculum.  We have no homeschool resale store here and when we made the decision it was not during the time of a homeschool conference.

One piece of advice that I did receive is that if something doesn't work...don't be afraid to dump it and find something else.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Worlds Greatest Artist 1 {Curriculum}

I popped over to check out something from Confessions of a Homeschooler and was bopping around on her site. 

We are currently doing her Worlds Greatest Artist and Worlds Greatest Composers studies.  We alternate with Composer then Artist, Composer then Artist.

Anyway....for a limited time, she's giving away her Worlds Greatest Artist I study for FREE!

Go get it! ;)