Showing posts with label Printables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Printables. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2017

ABC Bible Verses Handwriting and Journaling {Printable}

To cover some bible work for my younger kiddos, we read through this book:

It has wonderful lessons, discussion points, Q&A, in addition to a prayer.  We aim to cover 1 "letter" a week.  This goes along perfectly with any type of Letter of the Week program. 

To help solidify the learning and bible verse memorization, I have my learning to write age kids use the this printable I created.  Here's an example:
There's a page and verse for each letter of the alphabet, following the book.
It shows the verse, has an area for them to draw out an example of the verse, then the verse as handwriting/copy work.  

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Create Your Own Crossword Puzzles

I came across the website: crossword hobbyist where you can create your own puzzles.  I don't know about you, but we are always looking for fun ways to study.  My kiddos love crosswords, so this is perfect!

You can print them for home use, but the coolest thing...

You can do them online!
Here is a link to the first puzzle I made.

Its for Vocabulary From Classical Roots Book A - Lesson 1.
Here is what the completed one looks like 

My plan is to get all their words loaded into Quizlet, from there I'll upload to  crossword hobbyist to create the puzzles.

One reason I chose this site, is that some others would not allow me to use ALL the words.  Here, the puzzle size increases as you add words and you can rearrange at any time.

Go check them out!

(I hear there is a sister site the does word searches.  That's next on my list...)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

CC Review Sheets {How we use them}

So you've checked them out, downloaded and printed them what!?!?

Here are some way I use them (current and past) and how some of YOU have told me you use them with you families.  If you have suggestions....please comment and I'll add to the list.

How you use them will, of course, depend on the age and level of your student.  

History pages - Lower Grammar level
Print them out, towards the end of the week, have them draw out the history sentence.

Fill-in-the-Blank and Blank Sheets - All Grammar
Upper Grammar does both, Lower Grammar does just the FIB.  We do these in addition to listening to the CD daily.  This is ALL I do for CC.

  Day 1 - CD review 
Day 2 - Copy work into a spiral, from my Foundations book.  
Day 3 & 4 - Fill-in-the-Blank sheet  
Day 4 - History Sentence (LG)
Day 5 - Blank.  
When finished, they go into our CC binder.

I use to put them in page protectors and let the older kids go at them with a dry erase marker.  The page protectors helped me on my paper usage, since they fill them out more than once and I had multiple kids using them.  My older two would use the Fill-in-the-Blank Sheets the first couple days after CC. We listen to the CDs at least once a day, so they were usually able to fill these in with minimal help.  My 1st grader would use the Fill-in-the-Blank version on paper, with a pencil toward the end of the week.  Then the two days before CC, I had the older two fill out the Blank Sheet with what they knew.  This let me know if there was anything we needed to work on before proofing. 

Now...I print a set off for each kiddo. Why the change? I decided that paper usage was worth my sanity. :)  They can work at their own pace and are not waiting for a sibling to finish.  Dry erase markers didn't use to come in super-fine tipped and it was hard for me to read and correct.  I also wanted them to see their work when reviewing for Memory Master.  

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Drum roll please......Cycle 1 Review Sheets

I know I promised they'd be ready by August....and boy-oh-boy did August come quickly!  

I have finally finished and linked them on the Cycle 1 tab here.  
I tell ya....trying to find Ancient, unlabeled maps was not easy! you can go get started (or finished) with your CC planning! 

I hope you enjoy the last few weeks of your summer!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 24 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence, actually). Let them draw out the whole sentence or just a part of it.
This is Cycle 3, Week 24, but you can find the entire cycle on the Cycle 3 Resource Page.
We will sometimes find a short video on the topic for them to watch.  This way they are able to see an image relating to the sentence. 

When they are done,  I store them in their CC binders along with their other weekly work.  
These are great in class AND at home.  I use them mostly for my Lower Grammar kiddos, but sometimes my older ones like to draw too!


Monday, March 23, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 24 {Review Sheets}

 {Blank Review Sheet}
{Fill-in-the-Blank Review Sheet}

Here are my Cycle 3 - Week 24 Review Sheets, both the Blank ones and the Fill-in-the-Blank ones.  The full PDF set of each of them are found on the Cycle 3 Resources page
If you want your own copy, there is a link on the Cycle 3 Resource page. You can also save the image from this page, but make sure your printer settings are set to letter size paper.

Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 23 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence, actually). Let them draw out the whole sentence or just a part of it.
This is Cycle 3, Week 23, but you can find the entire cycle on the Cycle 3 Resource Page.
We will sometimes find a short video on the topic for them to watch.  This way they are able to see an image relating to the sentence. 

When they are done,  I store them in their CC binders along with their other weekly work.  
These are great in class AND at home.  I use them mostly for my Lower Grammar kiddos, but sometimes my older ones like to draw too!


Monday, March 16, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 23 {Review Sheets}

{Blank Review Sheet}
{Fill-in-the-Blank Review Sheet}

Here are my Cycle 3 - Week 23 Review Sheets, both the Blank ones and the Fill-in-the-Blank ones.  The full PDF set of each of them are found on the Cycle 3 Resources page
If you want your own copy, there is a link on the Cycle 3 Resource page. You can also save the image from this page, but make sure your printer settings are set to letter size paper.

Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 22 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence, actually). Let them draw out the whole sentence or just a part of it.
This is Cycle 3, Week 22, but you can find the entire cycle on the Cycle 3 Resource Page.
We will sometimes find a short video on the topic for them to watch.  This way they are able to see an image relating to the sentence. 

When they are done,  I store them in their CC binders along with their other weekly work.  
These are great in class AND at home.  I use them mostly for my Lower Grammar kiddos, but sometimes my older ones like to draw too!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 22 {Review Sheets}

{Blank Review Sheet}
{Fill-in-the-Blank Review Sheet}

Here are my Cycle 3 - Week 22 Review Sheets, both the Blank ones and the Fill-in-the-Blank ones.  The full PDF set of each of them are found on the Cycle 3 Resources page
If you want your own copy, there is a link on the Cycle 3 Resource page. You can also save the image from this page, but make sure your printer settings are set to letter size paper.

Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 21 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence, actually). Let them draw out the whole sentence or just a part of it.
This is Cycle 3, Week 21, but you can find the entire cycle on the Cycle 3 Resource Page.
We will sometimes find a short video on the topic for them to watch.  This way they are able to see an image relating to the sentence. 

When they are done,  I store them in their CC binders along with their other weekly work.  
These are great in class AND at home.  I use them mostly for my Lower Grammar kiddos, but sometimes my older ones like to draw too!


Monday, March 2, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 21 {Review Sheets}

  {Blank Review Sheet}
{Fill-in-the-Blank Review Sheet}

Here are my Cycle 3 - Week 21 Review Sheets, both the Blank ones and the Fill-in-the-Blank ones.  The full PDF set of each of them are found on the Cycle 3 Resources page
If you want your own copy, there is a link on the Cycle 3 Resource page. You can also save the image from this page, but make sure your printer settings are set to letter size paper.

Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 20 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence, actually). Let them draw out the whole sentence or just a part of it.
This is Cycle 3, Week 20, but you can find the entire cycle on the Cycle 3 Resource Page.
We will sometimes find a short video on the topic for them to watch.  This way they are able to see an image relating to the sentence. 

When they are done,  I store them in their CC binders along with their other weekly work.  
These are great in class AND at home.  I use them mostly for my Lower Grammar kiddos, but sometimes my older ones like to draw too!


Monday, February 23, 2015

Cycle 3, Week 20 {Review Sheets}

 {Blank Review Sheet}
{Fill-in-the-Blank Review Sheet}

Here are my Cycle 3 - Week 20 Review Sheets, both the Blank ones and the Fill-in-the-Blank ones.  The full PDF set of each of them are found on the Cycle 3 Resources page
If you want your own copy, there is a link on the Cycle 3 Resource page. You can also save the image from this page, but make sure your printer settings are set to letter size paper.

Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)