Thursday, February 28, 2013

3rd Declension Noun Endings {Printable}

I print these on card stock and (for now) put them in page protectors.  I file them in my CC Review notebook under Latin and pull out for whatever week we are on.  This hangs on my mini magnetic boards until we do CC Review.

If you want the whole pack (and matching game) before I'm able to post them, email me and I'll send it to you.

Happy Declining!

Cycle 1, Week 19 Review at Home {Game Plan}

For our "Weekly Review Session," we get all the kids together and make a little party of it.  We cover all the new information for the current week, plus go over the whole timeline and add a Geography study.  We are amazed at how much better the kids do during proofing on the weeks we meet.

Here's the Game Plan for our Week 19 review session.....

History Sentence and Timeline
Listen to songs from CC CD
Here is a video (9 mns) about the Anasazi.
Here is another video (44mns) "Mystery of the Anasazi"

Listen to the helping verb song.
Here is a printable that goes along with the song.

Here is a video about Marine Communities, which includes a little about the ocean zones.

Here is a teaching sheet and worksheet we will use for the Ocean Zones.  I've included the 4 main zones with a little description of each, in addition to some of the animal life that can be found there.  

We will color in the printables of the 13 colonies and the American Colonial Flag from here.
(Still cracks me up....all those girls and one boy!)

Here is a video with signs to help learn the original 13 colonies.
Here is a video about the original 13 colonies.
(No extra Geography Unit this week.)

We will play a review game using this:

There is a fun math song that one of our tutors sings with the kids.  Here is a link to the song on you tube.  (Kinda corny, but hey...whatever works!)

At the end, they should be able to fill out this review sheet.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ocean Zones {Printable}

 Simplified version of the Ocean Zones for kiddos to match the zone to the definition.  

I was prepping to tutor Foundations (first time....yikes!) and had to come up with something for the ocean zones that went with the memory work for C1 W19.  

Now I'm no scientists/oceanographer, but I had a really hard time with this one.  The way the zones are broken down are a bit more complex than this and actually Photic is a main zone while Bathyal (spelled wrong, maybe, in the guide) and Abyssal are sub zones of the Aphotic zones and the Photic zone is actually the Epipelagic...blah, blah....blah, blah, blah...Have I lost anyone yet?  Cuz I sure am!!!

All that work, and class was cancelled.  Snow day.  At least I really know Week 19!

Here's the answer sheet for tutors and moms!

Original 13 Colonies and Colonial Flag {Printable}

(image adapter from here)

When you review the original 13 colonies, have them color in the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies and the Southern Colonies and create a key.
Oh and the answers....
New England Colonies: Main (part of Massachusetts), New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Middle Colonies: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Southern Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

(image adapter from here)

This is great for Cycle 1, Week 19 review or even for tutors during class!

Cycle 1, Week 19 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence).
 Let them draw out the sentence or a part of it.  I store them in their CC binders along with their other weekly work.

I've found that (for this kiddo) writing out a summary narration only leads to frustration.

This works much better.
Here is what she happily drew.  
I'll post Week 20's soon, so come back and grab a copy!

If you'd like a copy for the rest of Cycle 1, please email and I'm happy to send it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Day {a.k.a Slush Day}

THE worlds smallest snowman.  What?  Can't see it?  Its on the left in front of the munchkin in pink.  You might have to squint a little.  Its really small.

We've had a few snowy days here this February.  The first time the public schools were closed, we still had school.  The hubs came home during lunch and took them out to play for "recess" while mom stayed inside and prepped the hot chocolate.  

Since our Classical Conversations follows the public school system, when they closed today, so did we. I called it a real "snow day."  No school.  (Or can I call this In-Service???)  I did take them out this morning, since the slush snow was really wet and melting quickly.

This is what they made...

The hubs is from Alaska and we lived there for 5 year after we were married.  What you see not really snow, but the public schools here were actually closed!

Do you ever take snow days?  Or just make sure recess is outside?

Cycle 1, Week 19 {Review Sheet}

I'm putting together review sheets to help my girls with their memory work for Classical Conversations.  I put these in a page protector and letting them go at it with a dry erase marker.  I use them with both girls (2nd/4th) and they are written on every day.  (The page protector helps me on my paper usage.)

I will have them look up the information and copy it in the first couple of days.  The two days before CC, I give it to them blank and they fill it in.  This lets me know if there is anything we need to work on before proofing.

If you want a copy, you should just be able to click and save???  
Let me know if there are problems.  
Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)
(Don't want to mess with copy write issues!)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cycle 1, Week 18 {History Sentence Drawing}

Here's a fun way to see how your kiddos interpret the Classical Conversations History Sentences (or any History Sentence).  Let them draw out the sentence or a part of it.  I really wish I had thought of this at the beginning of the year instead of towards the end.  Two of my kiddos love to draw.  It will be fun to see what they come up with each week.  I'm going to store this in their CC binder along with their other weekly work.

I'll post Week 19's on Wednesday, so come back and grab a copy!

{an update}
This is what my older three drew to express their interpretations of the "Mound Builders."

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quizlet {Homeschool Helps & App}

Just wanted to share a great learning tool with you.  Its a website call "Quizlet."  I've started using it more and more lately.  Its a great site where you can create online flashcards.  It does a lot more than that though!  There is also an app for your phone and ipad.  

Here's an example of how it works...

1. Open a FREE account.  
I use the basic version, which is free.  I'm sure the upgraded version has more perks, but the free one is all we need right now.

2. Title your set
I thoroughly title mine, so that others are able to search and use them. (More on that in a sec...) You can include a description and categorize them by subject.

3. Start entering your terms and definitions.  
I use to actually make flashcards on my computer.  I couldn't just go out and buy the blank cards and write on them.  Nope, the perfectionist in me would not allow it.  I actually created a template complete with footers that told subject, book, chapter.  (I've been told I can get help for this??? :)  In Quizlet, you cannot only make the cards yourself, you can add images (I've not tried that yet) and also import data (that either).  If you don't want to enter them around.  I'm sure the subject matter has already been entered.  You can copy a pre-made set cards or save them to your "class" to use.  

4. Save 
Don't forget this step!!!  Not that I've ever skipped this one...ever...really.  I'm just assuming it would be really frustrating to enter terms all over again.  Especially a really long set....A-hem.

5. Start using
This is the fun part!  There are a few different ways you can use these at your computer.  In addition to flipping through the flashcards on screen, there is Speller, Learn, Test and some games.

"Speller" we don't use right now.  Maybe we would if it was a spelling lesson or foreign lanuage?

With "Learn" you type in the answer to the question.  You can have it prompt with the term or speak the text.  We don't use this setting much either.  

The "Test," however, we use a lot!  There's a few different ways the parent (or student) can set the test up.  It all depends on what subject you are using it for and how you set up the flashcards.  I tend to do matching, multiple choice or True/False and prompt with term or definition depending where we are in the learning process.  This is a great way for you or your child to see what they already know and what they need to work on.

The Games are my kids favorite part.  The Scatter game does just that.  It scatters all the "fronts" and "backs" of the cards around the screen and the kids have to match them up to make them disappear.  It times you so you play against yourself.  On the Space Race you have to type in the terms before they get to the other side of the screen.  For both of these games, you can play around with the settings to suit your child's needs.

You can also Print your cards out in various styles.  A table, glossary, small or large grid and index cards.  Nice!!!

I subbed for an Essentials class one day and decided to print up 2 sets of the large gridded terms.  I then cut them out and into matching cards.  During class, I split the kids into two teams and had them race to see who could match all the terms up.  My oldest enjoyed it so much, she asked to do it at home.  I (of course) needed the answer sheet so I printed myself a glossary in both terms and definitions.  I guess I need to do a little studying myself!?!?

But wait....there's more...
You can get the app on your iPhone and iPad and study on the go...or just for a change of pace from using flashcards.  I've found my kids are much more willing to study if they get computer or iPad time!  
Sometimes I kinda feel like I'm tricking them into learning! (hehehe...insert evil laugh.)
{UPDATED 8/28/13: Now you can get this app on your Android too}

Happy studying!

And no....not paid for this review (although it sounds like it)!  
I just found a fantastic tool and wanted to share. :)
I'm sure there is more this site can do, but this is the extent of my experience with it.  If you've found other great things about it, please let me know so I can update!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Helping Verbs Song {Printable}

I was just telling Trinidy that I've turned into a total dork! ;)  I made this more to help me to learn and teach the kids the helping verbs, than for them.  I've tried to sing this to them a few times and just can't place the words to the right tune spacing...its that such a thing?  Or are all music teachers groaning at my lack of musical vocabulary right now?  Anyhoo...I made up this little printable so I can sing it without butchering it....much. :)

This is great for CC Weeks 13--20 English, plus anyone else needing to learn all the helping verbs....which is pretty much a part of any grammar curriculum, right?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cycle 1, Week 18 Review at Home {Game Plan}

For our "Weekly Review Session," we get all the kids together and make a little party of it.  We cover all the new information for the current week, plus go over the whole timeline and add a Geography study.  We are amazed at how much better the kids do during proofing on the weeks we meet.

Here's the Game Plan for our Week 18 review session.....

History Sentence and Timeline
Listen to songs from CC CD
Here is a link to a short video about North American Mound Builders.

Listen to the helping verb song.
Here is a printable that goes along with the song.

Here is a link to a NOAA video about the Ocean Floor.

Here's a worksheet Kelly made up.  She found the image (after LOTS of searching), but there was no way to reference since there was no documentation....if its found, its owner will get the kudos!  Kelly just added the missing parts and boxed out the labels on the drawing.

We are going to study Guatemala (since that's in Mesoamerica and we will study Mexico in a few weeks).  Using A New Trip Around the World we will:
Read about Guatemala and do some mapping work.
Label maps, printed from Worksheet Works.  (If you check it'll be in love!) 
Then one of the girls will read aloud about the flag (page 16).  
There is also a crossword puzzle for this section, which is like a review of everything they've heard.
During the week we might make some of the recipes included (page 19) for Tortillas and Arroz Guatemalteco (a.k.a. Spanish Rice)

We will play a review game using this:

There is a fun math song that one of our tutors sings with the kids.  Here is a link to the song on you tube.  (Kinda corny, but hey...whatever works!)

At the end, they should be able to fill out the weekly review sheet  here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cycle 1, Week 18 {Review Sheet}

I'm putting together review sheets to help my girls with their memory work for Classical Conversations.  I put these in a page protector and letting them go at it with a dry erase marker.  I use them with both girls (2nd/4th) and they are written on every day.  (The page protector helps me on my paper usage.)

I will have them look up the information and copy it in the first couple of days.  The two days before CC, I give it to them blank and they fill it in.  This lets me know if there is anything we need to work on before proofing.

If you want a copy, you should just be able to click and save???  
Let me know if there are problems.  
Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)
(Don't want to mess with copy write issues!)

Monday, February 18, 2013

2nd Declension Noun Endings {Printable}

Here's the same info from the last post in case you've arrived directly at this post, instead of the blog. :)  (Does that even make sense?)
. . . . .
I'm working on getting a packet together that contains all 5 declensions, the noun cases, a blank sheets and cards to place for a review.  For now, here is the 2nd declension.

I print these on card stock and (for now) put them in page protectors.  I file them in my CC Review notebook under Latin and pull out whatever week we are on.  Its hanging on my mini magnetic boards....until my big one arrives.  More on that next week....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cycle 1, Week 17 {Review Sheet}

I'm putting together review sheets to help my girls with their memory work for Classical Conversations.  I put these in a page protector and letting them go at it with a dry erase marker.  I use them with both girls (2nd/4th) and they are written on every day.  (The page protector helps me on my paper usage.)

I will have them look up the information and copy it in the first couple of days.  The two days before CC, I give it to them blank and they fill it in.  This lets me know if there is anything we need to work on before proofing.

If you want a copy, you should just be able to right click and save.
Let me know if there are problems.  
Hope this helps you too!

Oh...the answers are in your foundations guide! ;)
(I don't want to mess with copy write issues!)

Monday, February 11, 2013

1st Declension Noun Endings {Printable}

I'm working on getting a packet together that contains all 5 declensions, the noun cases, a blank sheets and cards to place for a review.  Here is the 1st declension.

If you want a copy, just right click and save!

I print these on card stock and (for now) put them in page protectors.  I file them in my CC Review notebook under Latin and pull out for whatever week we are on.  Its hanging on my mini magnetic boards....until I order my big one.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our Curriculum {2012-2013} Kelly

M - 4-ish grade
Bible - Gods Great Covenant: Old Testament
Handwriting - A Reason For Handwriting: E
Daily Paragraph Editing 4
Daily Reading Comprehension 4
Math - A Beka 4
Grammar - Classical Conversations Essentials
Writing - Classical Conversations Essentials
Spelling - Spelling Power
History - Story of the World, Middle Ages and the workbook
Geography - A Trip Around the World, Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3
Science - Apologia Astronomy and the Journal
Fine Arts - CoH Composers/Artists and piano lessons
Latin - Prima Latina
Classical Conversations - Foundations and Essentials

E - 2-ish grade
Math - A Beka 3
Spelling - Spelling Power
History - Story of the World, Middle Ages and the workbook
Science - Apologia Astronomy and the Junior Journal
Fine Arts - CoH Composers/Artists and piano lessons
Classical Conversations - Foundations

G (a.k.a. The Boy) - K/1st-ish grade
Bible - Listens in on the girls and colors a page from a bible activity book
History - Story of the World, Middle Ages and the workbook
Science - Apologia Astronomy and we put his drawings in a notebook
Fine Arts - CoH Composers/Artists and piano lessons
Classical Conversations - Foundations

B (a.k.a. Princess) - 3 years
Just starting our letter sounds and "Letter of the Week" and using LOTS of busy I can actually teach the olders!

As you can see from the links, I buy most of my curriculum from Amazon.  Its quick and easy.  I always check the publishers website first, though.  I also check ebay.  Some things I want new, like workbooks (obviously), but others are ok used.  I wish we had a local Homeshool store that I could support, but we don't.

I will post the "whys" of what we used in another post. Choosing curriculum is hard!  If there's anything I can do to make it easier for just one person, I'm happy to help. :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why I Homeschool {Kelly}

This is why I homeschool!  


These 4 little people who keep calling me mom! ;)
And I LOVE it.  And I love being around them all the time....well almost all the time.
(Just keeping it real.)
I had this grand explanation of why, but the bottom line is the hubs and I believe this is what He wants us to be doing.  
We are giving each of these little people an education that they could not receive in a school setting.  I want to be the most important influence in their lives and not pass them off to someone else each day.  I want to be the one to see those ah-ha moments when something clicks.  I want to be able to cater to each individual learning style.  Does that all sound selfish?  Believe me, homeschooling is one of the most unselfish acts a mom could perform.  There is nothing easy about least not in my house!  But I don't regret it.  
"The days are long, but the years are short," a friend once told me.

I don't want to miss a single moment!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome to our Blog

Hello!!! Thanks for stopping by.  

We hope you stay awhile and check us out.  

We are two friends with 8 kids between us, ranging from from 3 to 14.  Newer to the homeschooling front, we are, by the grace of God, trying to figure it all out!  By starting this blog, we hope to document our experiences, share any ideas that help us out and (of course) have a little fun along the way!