
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Summer

Well, we are all moved....mostly.  Still a box or 10 laying around, but I'm cutting myself some slack and  will pick away at the last bit when I can.  We are still trying to wrap up our 180 days of school.  Taking a month for Christmas, a month to move and random days here and there has put us a wee bit behind.  
I do have a deadline though (other than school starting in the fall! ;)

I check into the hospital on July 2nd.  Baby Boy's birthdate is scheduled for July 9th.  
Nervous and excited!!!
Excited to meet this surprise gift from God.
Nervous that he will be born at 34 weeks, but trusting Him to get me (us) through.

Anyhoo....we (I) have less than 8 weeks to finish up school, get all the freezer meals made, house settled, baby stuff bought....ya know...all the normal preparation.
(Re-buying baby stuff cuz we were done....or so we I had given everything away!)

In the midst of all this, we want to enjoy summer!  Its a bit hotter (and more humid) here than we are use to so I'll be hanging around the A/C as much as possible.  

I've been told that people here just sweat.  
Get used to it.  
I figure its a great excuse to not do my hair and makeup.  
Sounds good to me!

We are going to have an exciting summer, even if we have no real plans....other than having a baby. :) I've "pinned" a handful of fun stuff for the kids.  Partially to have things for them to do while I bide my time away in the hospital, and partially to keep them busy when we get home and I'm recovering.

Hope you all have a wonderful summer planned! 

Or is it y'all?  

We are Texans now I guess. ;)


  1. Congratulations on your move! Praying for your family and your new baby!

  2. I just wanted to say congrats! And relax. :) I know it's hard (my youngest was born at 30 weeks). I am currently 30 weeks with #4 and praying to make it to 34+. You can do it! High fives and hugs from a stranger! ;)
