
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SkyView for Astronomy {App}

I can't remember how I found this app, but it has been a great "game" for the kids and its FREE!  (Don't you just love when they think they are playing, but they are actually learning!?!? :)  We have this app on my iPhone and our iPad.

We are studying Astronomy with Apologia right now and this is a perfect supplement.  We haven't gotten to the constellation chapter yet, but this will really come in handy then.

Here is an event happening now....

Its the International Space Station that's actually coming into view.  Their mission is over in mid-September, so there will be sightings until then.  Using the SkyView App makes it easy to locate.  (That blue ting is the ISS and the red line is the horizon.)

If you center the circle (not shown in this pic) on something on the screen it will tell you what it is, even the name of each star!

We missed seeing it in the sky, since we are in Houston right now (for the hubs job) and there is too much cloud coverage.  Hoping to catch in in a couple of days or again in September.  

You can go here on NASAs site to find out the dates and times of sightings in your area. 

Turning the iPad a little, we found the Hubble Telescope, too!
(That's the white thing on the left.)

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