
Monday, July 29, 2013

Prepping for another school year...

I know its still only July, but school starts early in these parts!  The public schools here will actually start before the middle of August.  Where I grew up (Pacific NW) we didn't start until after Labor Day (which was always such a lovely Birthday present for me as my Birthday falls in the first week of September.)

I've started pouring over my Well Trained Mind again.  I read through the parts that pertain to our level of education at least twice a year.  Always in the summer to gear up for the coming year, then again in Jan to make sure I'm on track and to add anything if we are able.

This year I will have a 5th grade.  (Yikes!  Where has the time gone???) To all you Classical Homeschoolers, it means that we are entering the Logic stage.  Time to take it to the next level.  (I think I'm more excited about this than she is.)  

As we get further into our homeschooling adventure, I'm getting more and more comfortable with what and how to do things.....and when I get comfy, I tend to take on more curriculum.

This year, I hit the Mardel sale a couple of months ago (with a coupon.)  I bought what I needed for this a little more.

Then...I received the Memoria Press newsletter in the mail.
(Great articles.  Great curriculum.  If you go to their website you can sign up for FREE.)

And devoured it.
(Why am I just finding out about what they have to offer now?)

And bought more.
(Cross referencing prices with Amazon and Ebay of course!)

And now I need some more bookshelves.

Kidding.....kinda. :)  We are adding in literature studies, poetry studies, Latin for my 3rd/5th graders, MP Greek Myth studies, character building studies and MPs Famous Men of the Middle Ages for my 5th grader.
(I'll be posting our curriculum and links soon.)

These are not all things we will do daily.  Some are once a week.  Some are once a month.  Some are a few minutes a day. This is year three for us, so I'm stepping it up a bit.....and all with a 3 year old in tow.

I'm looking forward to having a "schedule" again.  I love summer, but have felt kind of scattered. Anyone else excited for school to start???

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